
En+’s green
business model

Our sustainable development focus is set on environmental protection and climate change. We understand that our operations inevitably have an impact on water, land, air quality and biodiversity, and we therefore strive to mitigate and minimise our footprint in everything we do. On January 18, 2021, En+ Group announced its ambition to become net zero by 2050 and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35% by 2035 (Scopes 1 & 2 against a 2018 baseline).

Key achievements in 2023

Decrease in intensity of GHG emissions from electrolysis operations from 2.28 t of CO2 e/t Al


compared to 2014 baseline

Share of total waste reused and recycled


Share of alternative energy sources used for aluminium smelters of the Metals segment

> 90%

Decrease in total waste generated


compared to 2020

HPPs were certified in accordance with the international ISO 14001 standard


Environmental investments

17,6 RUB, bn

Reduction in volatile organic compound emissions


compared to 2020

ASI certified production facilities



brand of low-carbon footprint aluminium


Metals segment’s
climate targets

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing our planet. We are constantly looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint. Due to the energy-intensive nature of our businesses, minimising the impact production processes have on climate is one of our most important strategic aims.

To support Russian and international initiatives and associations advocating active actions to prevent climate change

In 2016, RUSAL introduced a new 2025 strategy focused on cutting greenhouse gas emissions

  • To ensure that at least 95% of electricity purchased by aluminium smelters comes from hydroelectric power plants and other carbon-free power generating;
  • To reduce direct specific greenhouse gas emissions by 15% compared to 2014 at reduction processes at the existing aluminium smelters;
  • To reduce direct specific greenhouse gas emissions by 10% compared to 2014 at the existing alumina refineries;
  • To reduce the specific aluminium smelters power consumption by 7% as compared to 2011;
  • To achieve the average level of specific direct and indirect energy related greenhouse gas emissions from reduction processes at the aluminium smelters not exceeding 2.7 t of CO2e/t Al1;
  • To use internal carbon prices when making strategic and investment decisions starting from 2017;
  • To support Russian and international initiatives and associations advocating active actions to prevent climate change and supporting carbon prices as long as they are aligned with the strategic goals of the company.



Forests protection initiatives

The Company carries out diverse projects aimed at growing and protecting forests. For instance, ‘The Green Wave’ initiative was launched in 2017.


Unique inert anode production technology

Inert anode technology makes it possible to replace classic carbon anodes with inert non-consumable materials – ceramics or alloys.


Environmental monitoring of Lake Baikal

En+ Group conducted the second annual expedition of the ecological monitoring of Lake Baikal.


Environmental Projects Grant Competition

The first grant competition aimed at protecting Lake Baikal and aquatic ecosystems from adverse environmental impacts was held in 2020. 

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