
Timan Bauxite


Results in 2019

3,300 ktpa

total capacity and utilisation rate, 98%

3,221 kt

production level

Timan Bauxite was launched in 1992 with the aim of developing bauxite deposits in the Middle Timan area, which holds approximately 30% of all Russian bauxite.

Due to favourable geological conditions, the bauxite deposit at Timan Bauxite can be developed using the open-pit method. Its production facilities are connected to the federal railroad between Moscow and Vorkuta, and its produced bauxite is delivered to the Urals Aluminium smelting plant operated by the Group’s Metals segment.

The company’s first deposit is currently almost depleted. Since 2016, the company has been investing into the development of the VerkhneShugorskoye deposit (Phase 2 of the Middle-Timan bauxite mine), with 65 mt of bauxite reserves.

In 2017, Timan Bauxite was one of the first pilot sites for implementing the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative standards.

In April 2018, the new Verkhne-Shugoskoe mine deposit was commissioned at Timan Bauxite, and 676.3 thousand tonnes of ore were mined by the end of the year. The deposit’s total ore reserves are estimated at 14 mt of bauxite.

Development plans

Construction of treatment facilities at Timan Bauxite is planned to commence in 2019.

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