
Volgaenergo to invests more than RUB 700 mln on repairs in the Avtozavodsky and Leninsky districts of Nizhniy Novgorod

Press releases


october, 2018

Nizhniy Novgorod, October 25, 2018 – Volgaenergo Group (part of EuroSibEnergo, which manages the energy assets of En+ Group) plans to invest more than RUB 700 mln in 2019 within the program to repair the equipment and heat supply systems of the Avtozavodsky and Leninsky districts of the city of Nizhniy Novgorod, according to Andrey Orlikhin, Director of Volgaenergo.

Volgaenergo Group has completed the preparation for the autumn and winter seasons (Avtozavodskaya CHP, Heat Generation, Zavodskie Seti, Teploseti, Volgaenergosbyt and EuroSibEnergo-distributed generation); 100% of the Group’s client facilities have been connected to heat supply.

In 2018, Volgaenergo spent in excess of RUB 700 mln preparing for the winter season. The same sum will be spent on raising the reliability of the facilities located in the Avtozavodsy and Leninsky districts of Nizhniy Novgorod in 2019. 

The group’s companies provide their services on 860 km of grids with 1,730 residential houses connected to them. In addition, Volgaenergo services more than 50 schools and 88 kindergartens. Preparation for the heating season started in April 2018 as soon as the 2017-2018 heating season with its low load ended.

The equipment of Avtozavodskaya CHP was upgraded; other companies of the group also made reconstructions and upgrades. Specialists at Volgaenergo Group continuously monitor the condition of grids and other facilities. The main goal is to improve the quality of heat and water supply to the households.

In 2018, the number of interruptions dropped by 10% YoY. The number of faults on the main lines, where the effects for residents are the strongest, was reduced by 25%. In 2018, the employees of Volgaenergo did their best to repair faults within 6 hours, which is significantly less than the prescribed standard (16 hours).

Heat supply to the social facilities and residential buildings started after the Mayor of Nizhniy Novgorod, Vladimir Panov, signed the heating season resolution on September 26, 2018.

Andrey Orlikhin, Director of Volgaenergo, commented:

“Every year we invest more than RUB 700 mln in the repairs to our facilities. This year we repaired more than 10 km of heating systems, we completed large-scale repairs at our CHPs, on more than 55 boilers; we examined and replaced more than 200 valves. A new 1250 cu.m/h district heating pump was purchased for the boiler house Severnaya. Our specialists work at night, if needed – this is a part of the strategy of our operations, which is aimed at delivering high quality and timely supply of heat and electricity to our customers. It is important for us that all people should have warm batteries, hot water and comfort in their homes.” 

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