
En+ Group to Step up its "360" Environmental Campaign at Lake Baikal

ESG news


august, 2019

Irkutsk, August 14, 2019 - En+ Group, a leading vertically integrated producer of aluminum and power, announces that its annual “360” environmental campaign will be held on the shores of Lake Baikal on September 7. To step up efforts this year, in addition to litter collection, eco-volunteers will create picnic areas for tourists and mark out nature trails.

The “360” environmental campaign is part of En+ Group’s comprehensive program, first launched in 2011, to protect Lake Baikal and other protected areas in Russia from adverse environmental impacts. The program includes environmental, social, scientific, educational and awareness projects.

Today, the campaign does much more than just raising awareness of the problem of litter on the shores of Lake Baikal. It is fostering a widespread culture of volunteering and environmentalism both in the Irkutsk region and beyond. Volunteer communities inspired by the “360” ​​campaign run a range of initiatives aimed at protecting the environment. In 2019, En+ Group has decided to take the “360” event to a new level.

In addition to litter collection, volunteers will help create tourist picnic areas and mark out nature trails in various picturesque locations - the villages of Bolshoi Goloustnoye (nature trails) and Buguldeyka (litter picking), Shirokaya bay (litter picking and setting up picnic areas) on the shore of Lake Baikal and Shcheglovka paddy on the Angara shore (litter picking and setting up picnic areas). A total of 500 volunteers are expected to come together as part of the 2019 “360” campaign. Registration for participation in next year’s “360” event will begin on August 16, at 10:00 Moscow time via the website:

Ecological action "360" is a direct continuation of the En+ Group All-Russian Ecological Marathon "360 minutes", which later became the "360 minutes for Baikal" campaign. During the first volunteer campaign in 2011, 100 employees of Irkutskenergo (part of En+ Group) collected approximately 500 bags of litter at the Baikal Cape Ulirba, which was taken to a landfill.

Around 144,000 volunteers have participated in the project since its launch in 2011. With their help, about 4,500 tons of litter has been collected, disposed of and partially recycled from regions across Russia. In addition, dozens of areas have become protected, unauthorized landfills have been removed, nature trails have been developed and bird ringing stations equipped.

To find out more about the “360” project in action, search social media for “project360plus” (FacebookInstagramVK).

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