
En+ Group Joins Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition

ESG news


april, 2017

27 April 2017, Washington D.C. — En+ Group, a leading global vertically integrated hydropower and aluminium producer, has officially joined the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC). The announcement was made during the Second High-Level Assembly of the CPLC, held at the headquarters of the World Bank in Washington, D.C.

The CPLC is a voluntary global partnership of national and sub-national governments, businesses, and civil society organisations created under the auspices of the World Bank, that agrees to advance the long-term agenda of a carbon price applied throughout the global economy.

En+ Group, which combines 19.7 GW of installed electricity capacity, predominantly through hydropower generation, with an annual aluminium production capacity of 4.2 million tonnes through its controlling stake in UC RUSAL, has a proven track record of decreasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. From 1990 to 2015, En+ Group cut its CO2 emissions of its CHPs by over 45% by ongoing upgrade of its power plants, district heating networks and grids and switching its energy source for power production from fuel oil and coal to natural gas. UC RUSAL decreased its emissions per tonne of aluminium produced by 50% during the same period.

Currently, in order to further reduce GHG emissions, En+ Group is implementing a number of initiatives, including the replacement of coal-fired plant generation by hydro generation, as well as the shutdown of inefficient power and heat facilities. UC RUSAL intends to maintain its leading position in environmental protection among aluminium producers, among others, with the goal to use approximately 100% of electricity generated by low-carbon sources by 2020.

Maxim Sokov, En+ Group CEO, commented: “We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint in both power and aluminium production, and to building a sustainable foundation for clean and resilient economic growth. Carbon pricing mechanisms will increase energy efficiency and boost the competitiveness of renewables. En+ Group considers carbon pricing an important part of its corporate strategy, as well as a key method of limiting global warming and mitigating its consequences.”

“We are pleased to join forces with global leaders, such as BP, BHP Billiton and Shell, as well as governments and NGOs, to support further implementation of the Paris Agreement and facilitate world-wide efforts to combat climate change.”

About Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition:

Launched at COP21 in December 2015 in Paris, France, the CPLC is organised under the auspices of the World Bank and brings together more than 200 Partners, including national and regional governments, international organizations and NGOs, companies in the industrial and financial sectors, private and institutional investors and pension funds. Members include such major natural resources companies as BHP Billiton, BP, Enel, Engie, Eni, Shell, Total and others.

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