Results in 2019
3,500 ktpa
total capacity and utilisation rate, 89%
3,121 kt
production level
Compagnie des Bauxites de Kindia is one of the Metals segment’s largest feedstock assets, providing more than 25% of the total bauxite output
The company became part of RUSAL in 2000, with production starting in 2001.
CBK operates bauxite deposits and infrastructure, including rail line and an ore transshipment port.
CBK operates using the blast free thin layer bauxite mining method, which has enabled the company to develop remote deposits with minimal infrastructure costs and reduce its environmental impact.
Exploration has been completed and reserves prepared for mining at the Central, Sankaran, Northwestern Balaya, Northeastern Balaya, and Southern Balaya areas.
Development plans
On 28 September 2017, the Company signed a memorandum to extend the concession agreement for the Guinean Compagnie des Bauxites de Kindia project for another 25 years, until 2051.
Additional information